Aspectos legales en la prestacion de los servicios de salud a los pacientes internacionales (turismo de salud) atendidos en la ciudad de medellin a travès del cluster servicios de medicina y odontología

Detalles del proyecto


It is intended to determine the legal aspects that are relevant in the provision of health services to international patients treated in medellín


Bjectives general objective: determine the legal aspects that have relevance in the provision of health services to international patients served in medellín (health tourism) through the cluster of medicine and dentistry services, and propose expedited national and international mechanisms , to prevent and solve the conflicts that arise in the internationalization of the provision of medical and dental services in medellín-colombia. specific objectives 1. identify the regulations that allow addressing health services called "health tourism" in colombia and which impacts the provision of international health services. 2. identify the conflicts faced by health service providers in medellin-colombia for concepts related to the structure of medical responsibility (risks, negligence, recklessness, lack of skill, adverse event, error, harm, injury, informed consent) and in administrative conflicts in health care in international patients. 3. describe in colombia the way in which conflicts arising from medical responsibility are resolved, directly related to the provision of health services to international patients. 4. describe the way in which conflicts are resolved for the provision of health services to international patients in comparative law, specifically in the united states of america. 5. specify the administrative and procedural mechanisms to resolve conflicts in the case of health tourism in colombia with reference to the provision of health services to international patients and the international promotion thereof.

Resultados esperados

Methodology type of study: for the development of the research project, a qualitative methodology will be implemented with quantitative and qualitative information collection and analysis tools.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin4/02/1420/01/17

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