Protection of the human right to food and health of the immigrant population in colombia: case study of the venezuelan population in the city of medellín

  • Pabón Giraldo, Liliana Damaris (PI)
  • Restrepo Yepes, Olga Cecilia (CoI)
  • Molina Paniagua, Mariana (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Jiménez-Henao, Daniela (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Mazo González, Wayra (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Moreno Tamayo, Juliana (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))

Project Details


Through this research project the need to investigate the issue of immigration in colombia is raised, specifically what is related to the human right to food and health of the venezuelan population that has settled in the city of medellín in the last years. rights that are of great interest, because it is a population in a state of vulnerability, in order to finally determine how these rights should be protected in order to guarantee a more secure system.


Determine the protection of the human right to food and health of the immigrant population in colombia: case study of the venezuelan population in the city of medellín.

Expected results

Article isi wos or scopus, 2 accepted.
Short titleAlimentación y salud
AcronymAlimentación y salud
Effective start/end date15/01/1930/01/21


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