Professionals in Advertising Graphic Communication from the University of Medellin and their profile in relation to the current Competencies Required by the Productive and Social Sector in Medellin.

Project Details


In recent years the labor market has undergone a superlative transformation due to the changes brought about by the digital era. For this reason, the advertising industry has begun to demand from the university communities that the profile of the graduate in Advertising has a more defined orientation towards the new professional roles and functions that arise within companies and advertising agencies, for which today there is little articulation between what the environment demands and what the academy offers for the sector.

This research allows the University of Medellin to update its training plans in order to provide the market with graduates with the competencies and skills that the industry needs, thus generating an impact on job opportunities for our students and a competitive value as an undergraduate in terms of updating the topics, competencies and skills that the Graphic Advertising Communicator must acquire. In addition to this, the research will provide the elements so that the Program can project itself towards future scenarios that consider the digital and labor transformation demanded by the environment. Likewise, the results will be useful to employers to the extent that this profile will be optimally reflected in the processes in which an advertiser participates.


To analyze the competencies that the productive sector of advertising demands from the graduates of Advertising Graphic Communication of the University of Medellin in the city context.

-Identify the demand for professionals by agencies, large companies and SMEs in the creative and cultural industries sector, from the competencies required of the publicist.
-To describe the competencies and skills associated with the roles and profiles, the work scenarios and the expectations of the industry in relation to the fields of action of advertising.
-To contrast the competencies and skills associated with the roles and profiles with the expectations of the industry with the graduates of professional advertising programs.

Expected results

- 1 ISI WOS or Scopus Article
- 1 Book chapter
- 1 Business secret
- 1 National paper
Short titleProfesionales Comunicación Grafica
AcronymProfesionales Comunicación Grafica
Effective start/end date25/04/2225/01/23


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