Peace, post-conflict and citizenship on twitter: approach to the political trending topic in pedagogical perspective, as a manifestation of the educational preconceptions of the dynamics of social networks, in the case of the dialogues of havana in 2015

Project Details


The project will generate two products of new knowledge, referred to the relationship that can arise between the theory of the media and the question by the subject and the citizen, in the specific context of twitter, in a perspective oriented to the question by the pedagogical , for the formative. the starting point will be a statistical analysis of message traffic in this social network throughout 2015, which were dedicated to trending topics on the dialogues of havana, which will serve as an input for the application of an understanding tool and reflection that allows to determine which are the precomprehensions and common places from which the users of the chosen network participate. the consequences of the application of the conceptual instrument will be useful for at least three types of expert fields:the politician, the one of media theory and the question of citizenship training.


To investigate, from a pedagogical perspective, the political, ethical and media status and the preformative budgets of the citizens who participated in the interactions generated by trending topics of the social network twitter, referring to the dialogues of havana during the year 2015.

Expected results

New knowledge generation product (article for publication in isi wos or scopus). instrument and methodology for understanding and interpreting the data provided by the analytical model of the results. participation in dissemination events. training in research of a student. potentially, an appropriation product can be offered, and it is the result, in statistical and interpretive terms, that the scientific products designed and carried out as a result of the project will yield. these are two instruments that will generate a criterion for understanding the chosen phenomenon that has not been taken into account due to the state of the matter. the existing products deal with the basic concepts chosen, but none have carried out the interpretative exploration offered by the project,in addition to the additional projection that the results have, by receiving a perspective that guides them to a multidisciplinary field of application, ensuring conceptual consistency and avoiding theoretical dispersion.
Short titlePaz y posconflicto en Twitter
AcronymPaz y posconflicto en Twitter
Effective start/end date5/07/1620/07/17


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