Functions for estimating vulnerability due to water shortages due to landslides and avalanches: Pilot micro-basin case of southwestern Antioquia

  • Vega Gutiérrez, Johnny Alexander (PI)
  • Botero Hernandez, Blanca Adriana (PI)
  • Hidalgo Montoya, César Augusto (PI)
  • Marin Rodriguez, Nini Johana (PI)
  • Betancurt Zanabria, Óscar Daniel (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Arango Molano, Laura Valentina (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Varela Quirós, Ana María (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Suaza Muñoz, Ángel Manuel (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Marín Ribón, Juan Esteban (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Giraldo, Laura Ortiz (Research Assistant (Doctoral Student))
  • Díaz Córdoba, Yuliana Carolina (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Perdomo Valenzuela, Francisco Javier (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Arriaga Gil, Edgar Camilo (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Hernández Martínez, Juliana (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Hernández Correa, Salem (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Corrales Hoyos, Juanita (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Largo Cocunubo, Daniel Fernando (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Madrid Muñoz, Valeria (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Garcés Gómez, Zharyck Clare (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Paz, Phoenix Storm (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Gutiérrez Munevar, Alexa Ivette (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • MUÑOZ CANO, FREDY ALEXANDER (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Giraldo, Laura Ortiz (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • Hurtado Osorno, María Isabel (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
  • VÁSQUEZ ATENCIO, WALTER LUIS (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Llano Cortés, José Alejandro (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Díaz Salas, Carolina (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Marín Ribón, Juan Esteban (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))

Project Details


This document presents the project "Functions for estimating vulnerability due to water shortages due to landslides and avalanches: Pilot micro-basin case of southwest Antiqueño", a joint project between the research groups GICI, GICAMH and GINIF of the University of Medellín, ISAII of the Polytechnic Colombian Jaime Isaza Cadavid, and the CORANTIOQUIA Autonomous Corporation. The project addresses the issue of water resources, one of the most important and present issues on international agendas, and which, according to the UN World Program for the Assessment of Water Resources, is a shared responsibility, which plays a fundamental role in the development of communities; even more so in times when natural disasters have a greater impact on infrastructure and the community, due to the excessive exposure and vulnerability of the elements at risk in rural areas, and the increase in the frequency and severity of natural phenomena, This trend is likely to continue even more markedly due to climate change. Regarding the environmental issue, extreme weather events are expected to be more common and, with them, dangerous natural phenomena such as floods, torrential floods or landslides that can trigger a significant or devastating impact on many communities, which regardless of their degree of development, are vulnerable, among other things, to water shortages.


Determine curves for estimating the vulnerability of watersheds and surrounding communities due to mass movements in rural areas in tropical mountain areas.

Expected results

2 artículos categoría A1, 1 articulo categoría B, 1 Registro de software de aplicativo para la evaluación probabilista de la amenaza por movimiento en masa y deslizamientos detonados por sismo y lluvia y 3 Participación en congreso o seminario internacional de alto impacto sobre riesgo por deslizamientos y/o avenidas torrenciales.

Key findings

2 category A1 articles, 1 category B article, 1 Application software registration for the probabilistic evaluation of the threat of mass movement and landslides triggered by earthquakes and rain, and 3 Participation in a high-impact international conference or seminar on landslide risk and / or torrential avenues; 4 degree projects undergraduate students; engagement of 2 master's students; 1 master's thesis; 1 doctoral student link; 2 young researchers
Effective start/end date3/09/2030/09/23


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