Elements for the implementation of a public policy for the protection of the right to food in migration contexts: colombia, mexico and chile

  • Restrepo Yepes, Olga Cecilia (PI)
  • Pabón Giraldo, Liliana Damaris (CoI)
  • Molina Paniagua, Mariana (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Moreno Tamayo, Juliana (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Mazo González, Wayra (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Jiménez-Henao, Daniela (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Puerta Arboleda, Danna Alejandra (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Hernández Parada, Kevin Andrés (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Osorio Pareja, Evelyn (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Vanegas Pulgarín, Santiago (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))

Project Details


The sustainable development goals (sdg 2030) have demonstrated the need to strengthen and protect the rights of the migrant population, which is why in 111 of the 17 goals they propose an inclusive principle that seeks the management of a “(…) safe migration , orderly and regular, which implies full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants affected by their immigration status, refugees and displaced persons. ”(pisani, 2019). regarding sdg no. 22, zero hunger, the goals proposed by the objective are perfectly compatible with the guarantee of the rights of the population in a condition of migration. given this perspective, it is necessary to seek the protection not only of the security of migrants but also have a decent life that allows them to live well - without hunger or malnutrition3 -, forcing the united states to ensure the protection of migrants , to ensure the protection of the right to food. taking into account the above, this research project seeks to solve the following question: what are the elements for the implementation of a public policy to guarantee the right to food in migration contexts in colombia, mexico and chile


Establish the elements for the implementation of a public policy to guarantee the right to food in migration contexts in colombia, mexico and chile

Expected results

International presentation (1). book chapter (1). undergraduate student training (4). the project proposes the construction of a public food security policy in a migratory context that guarantees the right to food in colombia, mexico and chile.
Short titlePolítica pública contextos de migración
AcronymPolítica pública contextos de migración
Effective start/end date2/05/196/10/22


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