Development of nanostructured antibacterial coatings through environmentally sustainable processes for their application in the national industry

Project Details


Different bathroom accessories are manufactured in ABS subjected to a metallization process that allows us to offer the market pieces with the required appearance properties and resistance to deterioration. On the one hand, chrome-based compounds are currently used in the pretreatment of these parts for metallizing, with a negative impact on the environment and people's health, as well as palladium salts, which are quite expensive. On the other hand, the conditions of use of these accessories can facilitate colonization by microorganisms, which when they are pathogenic, imply risks to people's health. This project seeks to develop alternatives for both problems based on electroless plating technology. In the first place, a new pretreatment on ABS, free of chrome and palladium, with a low environmental impact, will be developed. Second, nanostructured electroless coatings will be developed for the final layer of the metallization system, with antimicrobial properties to allow easy disinfection. For this purpose, metallized ABS prototypes will be manufactured, at laboratory scale and pilot scale, and their properties will be evaluated by different techniques. This project, in which the University of Medellín, the UPB, the University of Antioquia and the Sumicol company will participate, will provide alternatives to the industrial sector to make efficient use of resources through the prevention, management and control of their environmental impacts, as well as as the reduction of health risks in its operators and in the final users. On the other hand, the training of high-level human resources is made possible through the linking of undergraduate and master's students.


Develop a new ABS metallizing process from nanostructured nickel electroless coatings with the purpose of giving it antimicrobial characteristics and contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution.

Expected results

1. New knowledge: a. Effect of etching and activation on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) substrates. b. Metallization of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) substrates using electroless nickel coatings. c. Characterized morphological and mechanical properties of electroless nickel coatings formed on ABS substrates. d. Incorporation of ZnO and Ag nanoparticles in electroless nickel coatings. and. Characterized morphological and mechanical properties of nanostructured nickel electroless coatings formed on ABS substrates. F. Studies of the antimicrobial evaluation of electroless Ni-P nanostructured coatings.g. Determination of the financial and technical feasibility of the procedure developed with a view to being implemented by the company. h. Illustration of process flow diagram for implementation of the method at an industrial level 2. Technological development: a. Procedure for metalizing ABS using electroless Ni-P coatings. b. Procedure to develop nanostructured coatings with antimicrobial properties. 3. Capacities achieved: a. Ability to produce nanostructured coatings with antimicrobial properties. b. Ability to surface prepare ABS substrates without the use of substances harmful to health and the environment c. Ability to use resources efficiently through the prevention, management and control of their environmental impacts. d. Ability to apply nanostructured coatings to ABS parts on a pilot scale. 4. Strengthening of institutions a. Increase in the science and technology indicators of the participating institutions by having new knowledge products published in international databases. b. Training of qualified human resources at the master's level in materials engineering, who have the ability to promote innovation and development of the national productive sector. c. Development of synergies for the development of joint projects between academic entities and allied companies. d. Cooperation between members of different research groups from different institutions and with members of the productive sector. and. Development in knowledge in the development of antimicrobial nanostructured coatings. F. Development in the knowledge to metallize polymeric substrates without the use of harmful agents. g. Possibility of promoting the offer of new differentiating products in the industrial sector.COMMITTED PRODUCTS • Procedure for metallizing ABS using electroless Ni-P coatings. • Procedure to develop nanostructured coatings with antimicrobial properties. • Study of process costs for the implementation of the proposed process at an industrial level. • Market study for products with antimicrobial coatings. • ISI or Scopus A1 article (accepted for publication). • Training of a master's student. • Linking an undergraduate student. • Process flow diagram (DFT). • Laboratory and pilot scale metallic prototypes using developed coatings. • Identification sheet of knowledge assets generated in the project. • Socialization seminar between the 9 organizing institutions of the call
Short titleRecubrimientos antibacteriales
AcronymRecubrimientos antibacteriales
Effective start/end date1/12/2131/07/23


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