Project Details
Letter to my other self is a documentary project told in the first person that is structured through 5 sequences in which each one is a specific moment where concerns about the family are answered, the contradiction of having a female body, beauty stereotypes and the discovery of memories. it explores the identity of women in a world where patriarchy is still in force, and delves into a search for feminine identity, making a critique of family and beauty standards imposed by a macho and retrograde society. having this as a basis, the documentary seeks to tell the story of the letters that are based on the memories and the life story of the narrator and how she faces making the documentary, which has as a resource visually recreate a poem, through of an experimental visual exploration
Make a documentary essay that accounts for the concerns that a woman has about her body, her role in society and the concept of the feminine through self-portrait
Expected results
Documentary video, project book, disclosure text
Short title | CARTA DE MI OTRO YO |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/10/18 → 30/10/19 |
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