Global capabilities in public relations and communication management in colombia.(colombian global capabilities framework research), a contribution to the gcf

Project Details


This research project joins the action led by the global alliance for public relations and communication management (global alliance), a global confederation of public relations associations that bring together more than 160,000 professionals and academics around the world. in its meeting in 2014, this confederation proposed to the main public relations associations and institutions, to find the theoretical, practical and capacity approaches that unites the professionals trained in quality universities, recognizing the diversity among the many ways in which they are practiced public relations and communication management. through this mission, members of the global alliance aim to jointly raise standards and globalize our profession. the global alliance has supported this project since then, and in 2015, an international team of academic and professional volunteers studied all the professional qualifications and existing educational standards worldwide, identified overlaps and developed a document called "global body of knowledge", gbok , for its acronym in english .this first phase ended in 2015.


Identify the body of global capabilities in public relations and communication management in colombia to contribute with the description of the skills and practices of the profession from our country to the training that is offered in the world in this area of ??academic and practical knowledge .

Expected results

Article isi wos or scopus, accepted, research product book, orientation manual for professionals in practice, virtual update course, scientific dissemination video, radial program. disclosure of the results during 2 months, weekly broadcast with repetition. scientific consultancy for postgraduate programs.professional update courses at the national level. the results of this research will allow updating contents and leading professional and postgraduate education in colombia, in line with global progress.
Effective start/end date1/08/1730/07/18


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