Brand archetypes.comparative analysis of the hero and the narrative structures of the brand communication campaigns based on the theory of the story and the theory of archetypes.

  • Laverde Román, Alejandra María (PI)
  • Berrio Meneses, Carlos Mario (PI)
  • Rúa Santa, Sara (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
  • Regino Pereira, Jesús Daniel (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))

Project Details


"the figure of the hero and the archetypes have become a resource, which is gaining more and more followers, for the creation of coherent brand personalities in the eyes of their respective audiences, but it lacks a conceptual clarity that can be seen reflected in the lack of rigor and confusion in the use of it. "


"carry out a comparative study in the commercial of the figure of the hero in the archetypes proposed by carol pearson, margaret mark, mark batey and alexandre toulemonde and the theory of the story of jesús gonzález requena."

Expected results

"this research provides, in principle, two fundamental solutions to the professional and academic context both in the institutions -universidad de medellín and universidad católica de oriente- and in the colombian the professional context it contributes to the advertising companies inserted in the orange economy . "
Effective start/end date16/01/187/10/20


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