Project Details
The proposed research aims to deepen the discussion regarding social policy in contexts of internal armed conflict in order to identify their specific characteristics and what are the theoretical and political consequences of the implementation of these forms of state intervention as social alternatives of ending the conflict. at the empirical level, this discussion will be developed through the analysis of the implementation of the jóvenes con futuro program in 4 municipalities in eastern antioquia regarding the reception of the program's official discourse and ii) the characteristics of the socio-institutional network in the one that the program and its beneficiaries unfold. in that direction, the specific objectives of the investigation are:a) analyze the discursive framework that builds the implementation of the program and b) characterize the socio-institutional network in which the program is inserted and through which its beneficiaries circulate. the dimensions of the analysis will be two: discourse and the socio-institutional networks generated by the program.
The proposed research aims to deepen the discussion regarding social policy in contexts of internal armed conflict in order to identify what its specific characteristics are and what are the theoretical and political consequences of analyzing these forms of state intervention as social alternatives of end of the conflict. at the empirical level, this discussion will be developed through the analysis of the implementation of the youth with a future program in 4 municipalities in eastern antioquia regarding the reception of the program's official discourse, the characteristics of the institutional offer it generates and the appropriation criteria that recipients and operators have of this one.
Expected results
Article isi wos or scopus, accepted. methodology of analysis of social programs, which implements public policy indicators. udem students trained in investigative competence. 2 participations in event of disclosure of information results.
Short title | Jóvenes con Futuro |
Acronym | Jóvenes con Futuro |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/07/16 → 20/07/17 |
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