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Medicamentos vencidos: Gestión sostenible de medicamentos vencidos: soluciones innovadoras y de bajo costo para reducir la contaminación ambiental y proteger la salud pública
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI), Porras, J. (CoI), Serna Galvis, E. A. (CoI) & Torres Palma, R. A. (CoI)
1/08/24 → 30/07/26
Project: Research
Optimización del prototipo de producción de material adsorbente (biocomposites) a partir de la transformación de residuos agroindustriales en una planta piloto a escala de laboratorio para la remoción y recuperación de fósforo de aguas residuales
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
22/07/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Innovation
Valorización de residuos agroindustriales en la producción de Ca-biocomposites para la remoción y recuperación de fósforo en aguas residuales: una aproximación a la economía circular
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (CoI) & Muñoz-Saldaña, J. (CoI)
25/04/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Aplicación de nanotubos y puntos cuánticos: Aplicación de nanotubos y puntos cuánticos de Fosforeno adsorbentes y/o sensores de Cu2+ y sulfonamidas en un medio acuoso: Desde un punto de vista teórico
Correa Abad, J. D. (CoI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Mora Ramos, M. E. (CoI)
22/01/24 → 30/01/25
Project: Research
Synthesis of ammonia: Computational modeling of bare, defective, and doped TiO2 surfaces and their role in the synthesis of ammonia
Núñez Zarur, F. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Muñoz Peña, A. C. (CoI) & Rodríguez, J. (PI)
1/07/21 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
Theoretical study of catalytic performance of α-molybdenum carbide modified with Fe, Co, Ni and Cu for hydrogen evolution reaction (+1 more)
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Gomez Marin, A. M. (CoI)
1/04/21 → 1/02/22
Project: Research
Multi: Agroindustrial waste as adsorbents for the removal of inorganic and organic compounds in multicomponent systems
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI), Ocampo, R. (PI), Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Ospina Montoya, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Multicomponente: Agroindustrial waste as adsorbents for the removal of inorganic and organic compounds in multicomponent systems
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI), Ocampo, R. (PI), Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Ospina Montoya, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
Molecular patterning: Rational design of catalytic surfaces by selective molecular patterning
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Gomez Marin, A. M. (PI)
1/02/21 → 29/03/22
Project: Research
ETHYLENE HIDROGRNATION: Inverse MoCx/Au(111) catalyst as a potential material for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Illas Riera, F. (CoI), Rodriguez, J. (CoI) & Viñes Solana, F. (CoI)
13/07/20 → 13/09/21
Project: Research
Adsorción contaminantes: Kinetic study of the adsorption of pollutants using adsorbents produced from agroindustrial wastes
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI)
2/07/19 → 27/04/22
Project: Research
Characterization of the physicochemical properties of phosphorene for the adsorption of low molecular weight gases
Correa Abad, J. D. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI) & Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
20/06/19 → 20/12/22
Project: Research
Carburo metálico: platinum supported on transition metal carbide surfaces as a catalyst for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
10/05/19 → 30/05/21
Project: Research
platinum supported on transition metal carbide surfaces as a catalyst for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
10/05/19 → 30/05/21
Project: Research
Fósforo en aguas: Development of a low-cost adsorbent material for the removal and recovery of phosphorus in waters
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI), Correa Bedoya, E. A. (CoI), Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (CoI) & Quisperima Quispe, A. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
30/11/18 → 30/05/22
Project: Research
Phase 2: transition metals carbides as supporting materials for co and co2 reduction on copper
Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
2/05/18 → 30/04/19
Project: Research
REMOCIÓN MERCURIO: Removal of mercury present in wastewater using an adsorbent produced from agro-industrial waste
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI) & López Jaramillo, L. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
16/01/18 → 30/01/19
Project: Research
Removal of mercury present in wastewater using an adsorbent produced from agro-industrial waste
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI) & López Jaramillo, L. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
16/01/18 → 30/01/19
Project: Research
Desechos agroindustriales : Desechos agroindustriales como material adsorbente para la remoción y recuperación de fósforo en aguas
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI)
24/07/17 → 15/06/18
Project: Innovation
Cemento Portland: Desarrollo de mezclas de cemento portland y materiales carbonosos
Correa Bedoya, E. A. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI) & RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, B. D. (CoI)
24/07/17 → 28/11/19
Project: Research
Co and co2 reduction on transition metals carbides towards hydrocarbon productio
Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
7/04/17 → 12/07/18
Project: Research
MADEPS: MAD.EPS: Incorporación de residuos de icopor (poloestireno expandido) como materia prima en la construcción de maderas procesadas
Sepúlveda Vallejo, A. (PI), Botero, C. A. (CoI) & Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
13/07/16 → 30/06/17
Project: Innovation
Computational characterization of the adsorption of mercury species in presual water
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
11/07/16 → 18/04/18
Project: Research
Deterioro de recubrimientos: Study of the deterioration of zinc protective coatings on carbon steel and ni-b on abs
Correa Bedoya, E. A. (PI), Botero, C. A. (CoI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
5/07/16 → 16/11/18
Project: Research
Modelación molecular de la solvatación de aniones presentes en aguas residuales
Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Arias Londoño, E. L. (CoI) & Caro Lopera, F. J. (CoI)
2/02/15 → 30/01/17
Project: Research
Solvatación y adsorción de iones de metales pesados presentes en aguas residuales: modelación molecular
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Arias Londoño, E. L. (CoI), Caro Lopera, F. J. (CoI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
2/02/15 → 8/08/17
Project: Research
Materiales adsorbentes con uso potencial en la eliminación y recuperación de aniones presentes en aguas residuales
Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
16/01/14 → 30/01/17
Project: Research
Estructura y reactividad de clusters de metales abundantes en colombia: caso de au, ag, cu y pt
Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
1/02/13 → 22/08/17
Project: Research
Design and characterization of bimetallic catalysts tolerant to sulfur poisoning in the reaction of reforming with carbon dioxide
Florez Yepes, E. (PI)
3/02/12 → 22/08/17
Project: Research