Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 152 results
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Cocreación microaprendizaje activo: Metodología de cocreación de recursos digitales de microaprendizaje activo para la enseñanza de pensamiento computacional y la interacción social por jóvenes estudiantes de informática.
Arango Vásquez, S. I. (PI), Manrique Losada, B. (PI), Osorio Sanabria, -M. A. (PI), Rangel,, A. M. (CoI) & Sepúlveda, P. A. (CoI)
5/09/24 → 5/03/26
Project: Research
Siembra vida: ¡Siembra vida! Apropiación social del Laboratorio vivo como estrategia de educación para la sostenibilidad y la economía circular con nuestras comunidades.
Ramírez Olier, J. P. (PI), Gallego Zapata, J. L. (PI), Delgado Gomez, D. L. (CoI), López Lizarazo, C. A. (CoI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (CoI), Maya Vasco, G. J. (CoI), Corea Agudelo, D. F. (CoI), Tobon, L. (CoI), Zabala, A. (CoI) & Pastas Riascos, M. C. (CoI)
5/09/24 → 5/03/26
Project: Research
Enraizamientos sonoros: Enraizamientos sonoros: Un diálogo de saberes con colectivos musicales de laderas (étnicos, campesinos y populares).
Arango Lopera, C. A. (PI), Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (PI) & Jiménez García, L. (PI)
1/08/24 → 30/07/25
Project: Research
Periodismo y memoria: El periodismo narrativo como forma de memoria y herramienta para la construcción de la paz
Maya Franco, C. M. (PI), Puerta Molina, A. A. (PI) & Rodríguez, J. J. (CoI)
1/08/24 → 30/01/26
Project: Research
El camino de Haydée: El camino de Haydée
López Lizarazo, C. A. (PI), Tabares Osorio, O. A. (CoI), Carvajal Montoya, M. (CoI) & Ruiz Arroyave, A. (CoI)
1/08/24 → 30/07/25
Project: Research
NFCL: Rasgos predominantes, discursos y recepción de los narradores fílmicos en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo (2000-2020)
Laverde Román, A. M. (PI), Planes Pedreño, J. A. (CoI), Berrío-Meneses, C. M. (CoI), Montaño Maya, C. (CoI), Palacios, S. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)), Velásquez, C. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)), Barrera, L. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)), Chinchilla, M. J. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)), Manrique Amaya, M. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)) & García Ospina, L. F. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
1/08/24 → 31/01/26
Project: Research
Reggaetón: Diseño de una interfaz web para la identificación de tipologías estilísticas del reggaetón. Fase 1: analítica.
Cardona Cano, C. A. (PI), Arango Lopera, C. A. (CoI), Chinchilla, M. J. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)) & Duque Vélez, C. E. (CoI)
1/08/24 → 30/01/26
Project: Research
Not started
NMV: Niñas migrantes venezolanas: Una apuesta de comunicación para el cambio desde las pedagogías para la paz, aplicadas en el Oriente Antioqueño.
Quiceno Castañeda, B. E. (PI), Quirós Ramírez, A. C. (CoI), Calderon Sanin, E. A. (CoI), González García, D. (CoI), Castaño Escobar, J. (CoI) & Henao Parra, P. C. (CoI)
Project: Research
Museo Escolar: Museo Escolar y Memorias Territoriales en la Institución Educativa Héctor Abad Gómez: Narrativas de reconciliación en contextos de diversidad
Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (PI), Meza Rivera, B. X. (CoI), Acosta Valencia, G. L. (CoI) & Ramírez Osorio, Y. Y. (PI)
Project: Research
EduMóvil Teleantioquia: EduMóvil de Teleantioquia. Sistematización de una Experiencia de Comunicación en los Territorios
Guisao Castañeda, D. F. (PI), Arango Lopera, C. A. (CoI), Gómez Mosquera, P. (CoI) & Zúñiga, A. S. (CoI)
23/01/23 → 30/01/24
Project: Research
Profesionales Comunicación Grafica: Professionals in Advertising Graphic Communication from the University of Medellin and their profile in relation to the current Competencies Required by the Productive and Social Sector in Medellin.
Londoño Muñoz, D. C. (PI), Arango Lopera, C. A. (CoI) & Meza Rivera, B. X. (CoI)
25/04/22 → 25/01/23
Project: Research
Problemas Sociales Comunicación Publicitaria: The use of Social Problems as Axes of Advertising Communication: Trend or Essence in human brands?
Berrio Meneses, C. M. (PI), Sanguino García, V. M. (CoI) & Taborda Martínez, D. M. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
3/06/21 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
Mujeres en el Rap: Social and virtual cartography of women in rap. Case of Medellín and the Metropolitan Area
Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (PI), Vásquez Atehortúa, J. C. (CoI), Vargas Zuluaga, N. M. (CoI), Jiménez García, L. (CoI) & Agudelo López, A. (CoI)
1/02/21 → 30/01/23
Project: Research
Apropiación TIC Santurbán: ICT appropriation processes within a communication strategy in the communities of the municipalities of the zone of influence of the Páramo de Santurbán
Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (PI), Zapata Cárdenas, M. I. (CoI), Ramos Aguas, E. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Mesa Tabares, M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Ospina Castrillón, D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Echeverri Muñoz, E. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Álvarez Rivera, F. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Sierra Escobar, T. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 30/07/22
Project: Research
Maya Franco, C. M. (PI), Acosta Valencia, G. L. (CoI), Crawford Visbal, J. L. (CoI) & Browne Sartori, R. (CoI)
1/02/21 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
Inmarcesibles Podcast
Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (PI) & Cardona Cano, C. A. (CoI)
23/09/20 → 30/12/21
Project: Innovation
Inmarcesibles Podcast: Inmarcesibles Podcast
Cardona Cano, C. A. (PI) & Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (PI)
23/09/20 → 30/12/21
Project: Innovation
Serie documental. Voces de mujeres. Construcción de memoria histórica y como herramienta para la transformación social.
Calvo De Castro, P. (PI), Juárez Rodríguez, J. V. (CoI) & Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (CoI)
15/07/20 → 14/07/21
Project: Innovation
Media Competencies in the Dissemination of Fake News About Covid-19 through Social Networks: Cases of Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Ríos Hernández, I. N. (PI), Morillo Puente, S. (CoI), Rivera Rogel, D. (CoI), Portugal, R. (CoI), Dávila Navarro, E. G. (CoI) & Vanesa Rodríguez, C. (CoI)
13/07/20 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
COMPETENCIAS MEDIÁTICAS ALUMNOS: Analysis of media skills of students and teachers in Latin America: cases Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina.
Ríos Hernández, I. N. (PI), Galvis Ortiz, C. A. (PI), Sandoval, Y. (CoI), Rivera Rogel, D. E. (CoI), ANDRADE VARGAS , L. (CoI), Portugal Escobar , R. (CoI), Albarello, F. (CoI) & Rivera Agudelo, J. D. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
15/01/20 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
Laverde Román, A. M. (PI), Escorce Muñoz, L. D. (PI) & Tamayo Acevedo, M. I. (PI)
1/01/20 → 15/12/21
Project: Innovation
COMUNICACIÓN Y BUENVIVIR: Communication and good living in the territory: towards the construction of a sovereignty of the territory and the preservation of local memories.
Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (PI) & Acosta Valencia, G. L. (CoI)
22/07/19 → 18/12/20
Project: Research
Carmen: digital photonovel. digital re-creation of the voices of the victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict, since the audiovisual creation of the event
López Lizarazo, C. A. (PI) & Tamayo Acevedo, M. I. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 14/07/21
Project: Innovation
Memorias aurales territorio moravia : Aural memories moravia territory
Torres Cruz, J. A. (PI), Bedoya Beltrán, J. A. (CoI), Grisales Ramírez, N. R. (CoI) & Montes Hincapié, J. M. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 14/07/21
Project: Innovation
Disruptive routes: other ways to go in the center of medellín
Toro Ríos, H. D. J. (PI), ARANGO BUSTAMANTE, D. A. (CoI), Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (CoI), Gómez Vallejo, L. E. (CoI) & Zapata Cárdenas, M. I. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 30/01/21
Project: Innovation
Model for the co-creation and production of open educational content through the use of a virtual platform
Arango Vásquez, S. I. (PI), Gómez Marín, A. (CoI), Zapata Cárdenas, M. I. (CoI), Manrique Losada, B. (CoI), Restrepo Restrepo, E. (CoI), Quiceno Castañeda, B. E. (CoI), Becerra Agudelo, R. A. (CoI), Martínez Rojas, J. F. (CoI), Holguin Cano, J. D. (CoI) & Rueda Bermúdez, V. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
11/02/19 → 24/12/21
Project: Research
APROXIMACIONES PABLO ESCOBAR: 21 approaches to the figure of pablo escobar
Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (PI), Cardona Cano, C. A. (CoI), DÍAZ ARENAS, P. F. (CoI), Giraldo Herrera, A. S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Vásquez Muñoz, J. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Álvarez Cortés, K. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Salazar Giraldo, C. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Muñoz Fajardo, D. F. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Vanegas Camargo, I. E. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Jota Sarmiento, J. V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Pérez Tobón, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Gómez Montoya, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Arroyave Zapata, I. D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Agudelo Castañeda, N. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Chica Ramírez, D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Duque Cuartas, A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Pérez Londoño, L. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Rivera Yepes, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Baena Osorio, M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & García Ceballos, M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
15/01/19 → 1/02/22
Project: Research
TÉCNICAS DE CO-CREACIÓN: "co-creation techniques for the development of a transmedia system among communication students from the university of medellin and the complutense university of madrid".
Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (PI), Zapata Cárdenas, M. I. (CoI), Giraldo Ramírez, J. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Tobón Gálvez, D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Castañeda Garzón, I. Y. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
15/01/19 → 11/12/20
Project: Research
COMUNICACIÓN MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES: The communicative strategies of the social movements of women: case of mothers of soacha and bogotá (mafapo)
Juárez Rodríguez, J. V. (PI), Botero Escobar, N. (CoI), CALVO DE CASTRO, P. (CoI), Colorado Atehortúa, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Rincón Hurtado, J. J. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Vanegas Castillo, M. F. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Herrera Franco, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Villamizar Hernández, B. F. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Vieira Brun, L. J. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Gil Galé, E. M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
15/01/19 → 22/02/22
Project: Research
Elements of narrative serialization in netflix originals: temporal complexities, characters and plots (2013-2018)
Planes Pedreño, J. A. (PI), Castaño Echeverri, A. (CoI) & Moran, E. P. (CoI)
15/01/19 → 30/07/20
Project: Research
CARTA DE MI OTRO YO: Letter to my other self
Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (PI)
1/10/18 → 30/10/19
Project: Research
INTERACCIÓN EVA: Methodology to promote communicative interaction in a virtual learning environment - eva
Arango Vásquez, S. I. (PI), Becerra Agudelo, R. A. (CoI), Restrepo Restrepo, E. (CoI), Gómez Marín, A. (CoI), Martínez Morales, S. (CoI), Ospina Ramirez, J. (CoI) & Mesa Rave, N. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
16/04/18 → 18/03/22
Project: Research
Contribution of literature in the resignification of the concept of violence in the context of post-agreement. new representations of violence in a corpus of colombian novels written from exile between 2000 and 2016. "
Maya Franco, C. M. (PI), MONTILLA MUELLE, M. F. (CoI), Puerta Molina, A. A. (CoI) & SOTO VÁSQUEZ, L. A. (CoI)
18/01/18 → 30/03/23
Project: Research
OBSERVATORIO DE GÉNERO: The influence of communication and language in the construction of imaginary and sexist models in the students of the school of communication of the university of medellín: study through the implementation of an observatory against vio
Juárez Rodríguez, J. V. (PI), Ospino Medina, I. R. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Arango Vélez, E. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Cortés González, A. M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
16/01/18 → 30/07/19
Project: Research
CIUDADANOS O CONSUMIDORES: Citizens or consumers?approach to the modes of appropriation of users of digital media in the framework of political campaigns, in the event of an election contest by the presidency of colombia for the period 2018-2022
Acosta Valencia, G. L. (PI), Maya Franco, C. M. (CoI) & Vallejo Narváez, A. M. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
16/01/18 → 1/03/22
Project: Research
Brand archetypes.comparative analysis of the hero and the narrative structures of the brand communication campaigns based on the theory of the story and the theory of archetypes.
Laverde Román, A. M. (PI), Berrio Meneses, C. M. (PI), Rúa Santa, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Regino Pereira, J. D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
16/01/18 → 7/10/20
Project: Research
PROFESIONALES DE LA COMUNICACIÓN: Professionals of communication and transformations in the world of work
Giraldo Dávila, A. F. (PI) & Galvis Ortiz, C. A. (CoI)
16/01/18 → 30/01/19
Project: Research
HAZ LO QUE AMAS: Do what you love.characterization study of the audiovisual production industry in medellín.
Castaño Echeverri, A. (PI), DOMÍNGUEZ MESTRE, A. C. (CoI), GUERRA MAYA, C. (CoI), IBARRA PULGARÍN, D. (CoI), PORRAS VANEGAS, N. (CoI), SUÁREZ MONSALVE, E. M. (CoI), YEPES ZEA, J. P. (CoI), Zuluaga Gómez, L. C. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Arnedo Varela, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & JARAMILLO TOBÓN, A. C. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
16/01/18 → 30/07/19
Project: Research
ESCUELAS DE HIP HOP: Hip hop schools in medellín: sound territories, citizenship, community and gender
Garcés Montoya, Á. P. (PI), Acosta Valencia, G. L. (CoI), CASTAÑO GIRALDO, S. (CoI) & GÓMEZ ARANGO, J. (CoI)
16/01/18 → 30/05/19
Project: Research
Agudelo Gutiérrez, L. M. (PI), Arias Flórez, J. S. (CoI), Luna Del Risco, M. A. (CoI), Villegas Moncada, S. (CoI) & Arredondo Orozco, C. A. (CoI)
4/12/17 → 30/06/18
Project: Innovation
Evaluación TIC: Herramienta de evaluación de TIC
Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (PI) & Escobar, N. E. B. (CoI)
21/09/17 → 30/01/18
Project: Innovation
PÁRAMO DE SANTURBÁN: The participation of citizens in matters of protection to the environment through the analysis and production of transmedia contents. case water benefit certificates for the conservation of the santurbán páramo.
Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (PI), CALDERÓN CARDONA, A. M. (CoI), JARAMILLO TOBÓN, A. C. (CoI), PUERTA RESTREPO, S. (CoI), Ríos Hernández, I. N. (CoI), Sanguino García, V. (CoI) & TABORDA TUIRÁN, T. S. (CoI)
1/08/17 → 30/03/19
Project: Research
HISTORIAS LOCALES, VISIONES GLOBALES: Local stories, global visions: a comparative study between el patrón del mal (2009-2012) and narcos (2015-)
Pérez Morán, E. (PI), Alzate Giraldo, A. A. (CoI), Cardona Cano, C. A. (CoI), PARRA LÓPEZ, F. J. (CoI), RAMOS MONTENEGRO, L. M. (CoI), RONDÓN ESPINEL, J. A. (CoI), VELÁSQUEZ ECHAVARRÍA, J. F. (CoI) & VELÁSQUEZ OLIVEROS, D. (CoI)
1/08/17 → 30/01/19
Project: Research
SOCIALDEMOCRACIA: "present and future of social democracy in europe and latin america: an analysis through the study of politics, communication, discourse and language"
Juárez Rodríguez, J. V. (PI), Botero Escobar, N. (CoI), HENAO PUERTA, O. D. (CoI), Restrepo Echavarría, N. J. (CoI), Tajahuerce Ángel, I. (CoI) & Cañola Gómez, J. D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/08/17 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
COMEDIA Y ESPERPENTO: Comedy and grotesque as a reflection of social, cultural and political imaginaries in spanish film production after the democratic establishment (1982-1996).
Planes Pedreño, J. A. (PI), Moran, E. P. (CoI), González Cárdenas, F. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & los Rios, D. M. D. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/08/17 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
CAPACIDADES GLOBALES COLOMBIA: Global capabilities in public relations and communication management in colombia.(colombian global capabilities framework research), a contribution to the gcf
Suárez Monsalve, A. M. (PI), López Lizarazo, C. A. (PI) & Ramírez Giraldo, M. C. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/08/17 → 30/07/18
Project: Research
LABORATORIO DE BIOTECNOLOGÍA VEGETAL : Cómo podrían los estudiantes aprender técnicas de un laboratorio de biotecnología vegetal de una manera pedagógica y en metodología virtual
Botero Botero, L. R. (PI) & Arango Vásquez, S. I. (CoI)
24/07/17 → 15/06/18
Project: Innovation