Projects per year
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Optimización del prototipo de producción de material adsorbente (biocomposites) a partir de la transformación de residuos agroindustriales en una planta piloto a escala de laboratorio para la remoción y recuperación de fósforo de aguas residuales
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
22/07/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Innovation
Valorización de residuos agroindustriales en la producción de Ca-biocomposites para la remoción y recuperación de fósforo en aguas residuales: una aproximación a la economía circular
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (CoI) & Muñoz-Saldaña, J. (CoI)
25/04/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Aplicación de nanotubos y puntos cuánticos: Aplicación de nanotubos y puntos cuánticos de Fosforeno adsorbentes y/o sensores de Cu2+ y sulfonamidas en un medio acuoso: Desde un punto de vista teórico
Correa Abad, J. D. (CoI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Mora Ramos, M. E. (CoI)
22/01/24 → 30/01/25
Project: Research
Producción de catalizadores residuos industria cafetera: Producción de catalizadores usando residuos de la industria cafetera para la eliminación de contaminantes orgánicos provenientes de aguas residuales de plantas de beneficio del café
Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI) & Porras López, J. (CoI)
22/01/24 → 30/01/25
Project: Research
Valorización de lodos: Valorización sostenible de lodos producidos en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales como catalizadores para la degradación de contaminantes emergentes en aguas
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Porras López, J. (CoI), Castro Jiménez, C. C. (CoI) & Muñoz-Saldaña, J. (CoI)
22/01/24 → 30/01/25
Project: Research
Cáscara de Café Como Adsorbente: Remoción de Fármacos en Agua Usando Materiales Carbonosos Obtenidos a Partir de un Residuo Agroindustrial (Cáscara de Café) como Adsorbente
Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI) & Porras López, J. (CoI)
23/01/23 → 30/01/25
Project: Research
Malaria Chocó: Cuantificando el efecto de la movilidad humana en la propagación de la Malaria: El Departamento del Chocó como estudio de caso
Olmos Sánchez, L. E. (PI) & Sepúlveda Murillo, F. H. (CoI)
23/01/23 → 27/01/25
Project: Research
Cardio 2D: Estudio Computacional 2D de la Localización de Mecanismos Arritmogénicos. Efecto de la Resolución Espacial Interelectrodo
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI) & Ugarte Macías, J. P. (CoI)
31/01/22 → 1/07/23
Project: Research
Recubrimientos antibacteriales: Development of nanostructured antibacterial coatings through environmentally sustainable processes for their application in the national industry
Correa Bedoya, E. A. (PI) & Bello Martínez, S. Y. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/12/21 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Synthesis of ammonia: Computational modeling of bare, defective, and doped TiO2 surfaces and their role in the synthesis of ammonia
Núñez Zarur, F. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Muñoz Peña, A. C. (CoI) & Rodríguez, J. (PI)
1/07/21 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
películas óxidos metálicos: “Preparation and evaluation of new metal oxide film surfaces active in the elimination of bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes for use in hospital and medical environments”
Porras López, J. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Mejía Correa, M. I. (CoI) & Huamán Quispe, J. G. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
23/06/21 → 23/12/24
Project: Research
Theoretical study of catalytic performance of α-molybdenum carbide modified with Fe, Co, Ni and Cu for hydrogen evolution reaction (+1 more)
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Gomez Marin, A. M. (CoI)
1/04/21 → 1/02/22
Project: Research
Núñez Zarur, F. (PI) & Hernández Mancera, J. P. (CoI)
16/02/21 → 21/05/22
Project: Research
Catéteres tipo basket virtuales: Impact of the spatial resolution of basket-type multielectrode catheters in the characterization of atrial fibrillation patterns. in silico study
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI), Becerra, M. A. (Research Assistant (Master's Student)), Ugarte Macías, J. P. (CoI), Saiz, J. (CoI) & Becerra Botero, M. A. (Research Assistant (Doctoral Student))
1/02/21 → 10/02/23
Project: Research
Celdas DSSC: Computational and experimental study of betalains, natural dyes to be used in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC)
Vélez Ortiz, E. (PI), Restrepo, J. (PI) & Lopera Velásquez, A. D. S. (Research Assistant (Doctoral Student))
1/02/21 → 10/02/23
Project: Research
Biomateriales - Nano Cacao Cd: Biomaterials derived from agroindustrial residues and materials with nanoparticulate components for the improvement of plant nutrition and cadmium immobilization in Theobroma cacao
Arroyave Quiceno, C. (PI), Correa Bedoya, E. A. (PI), Tello Santiago, J. T. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Villanueva Quispe, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 17/05/22
Project: Research
Multi: Agroindustrial waste as adsorbents for the removal of inorganic and organic compounds in multicomponent systems
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI), Ocampo, R. (PI), Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Ospina Montoya, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Multicomponente: Agroindustrial waste as adsorbents for the removal of inorganic and organic compounds in multicomponent systems
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (PI), Ocampo, R. (PI), Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Ospina Montoya, V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/02/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
Molecular patterning: Rational design of catalytic surfaces by selective molecular patterning
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Gomez Marin, A. M. (PI)
1/02/21 → 29/03/22
Project: Research
ALD para fabricación de celdas solares: Implementación de un sistema de crecimiento por capas atómicas (ALD) para la obtención de películas ultradelgadas en la fabricación de celdas solares.
Campillo Figueroa, G. E. (CoI), Osorio, J. (PI), Arnache, O. (CoI), López, O. (CoI), Jaramillo, F. (CoI), Ostos, C. (CoI), Uribe, J. I. (CoI), Martínez, E. (CoI) & Martínez, M. (CoI)
18/01/21 → 16/01/23
Project: Research
Study of electronic properties of drugs in hydrated lipid environments by ultraviolet visible spectroscopy within the framework of density functional theory
Núñez Zarur, F. (PI) & Rojas-Valencia, N. (PI)
20/11/20 → 20/01/22
Project: Innovation
Strengthening of installed capacities of Science and Technology, through a Regional Network of Laboratories, to address problems associated with biological agents of high risk to human health in the Department of Antioquia
Moreno Frías, E. (CoI), Bedoya, A. M. (PI) & Ostos Ortiz , C. E. (PI)
10/08/20 → 28/08/22
Project: Research
331 models without exotic electrical charges, with massive neutrinos and their phenomenology
Tapia Casanova, A. M. (CoI), Vanegas Forero, D. (CoI), Benavides Palacio, R. H. (PI) & Muñoz Hernandez, L. A. (CoI)
1/08/20 → 10/08/22
Project: Research
ETHYLENE HIDROGRNATION: Inverse MoCx/Au(111) catalyst as a potential material for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI), Florez Yepes, E. (PI), Illas Riera, F. (CoI), Rodriguez, J. (CoI) & Viñes Solana, F. (CoI)
13/07/20 → 13/09/21
Project: Research
Acelas Soto, N. Y. (PI), Porras López, J. (CoI), Tovar Martínez, J. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Benavides Pachajoa, D. V. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)), Castaño Estrada, S. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)) & Castaño Marín, K. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
1/06/20 → 10/02/23
Project: Research
Comparative study of the numerical solution of the reaction-diffusion equation as a mechanism for evaluating atrial fibrillatory dynamics
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI) & Ugarte Macías, J. P. (PI)
3/02/20 → 4/12/20
Project: Research
FS3D: Effect of fibrosis on atrial activity. 3D simulation study
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI), Saiz, J. (CoI) & Palacio Tamayo, L. C. (Research Assistant (Doctoral Student))
15/01/20 → 29/01/21
Project: Research
MPOEP: Modification of the optoelectronic properties of pentamaterials by the adsorption of small molecules
Correa Abad, J. D. (PI), Pacheco, M. (CoI) & Chico, L. (CoI)
15/01/20 → 29/01/21
Project: Research
energía hidrocinética: Design and development of low-cost real-scale hydrokinetic energy generation prototype for non-interconnected areas
Montoya Ramirez, R. D. (PI) & Correa Bedoya, E. A. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 14/06/24
Project: Innovation
Memorias aurales territorio moravia : Aural memories moravia territory
Torres Cruz, J. A. (PI), Bedoya Beltrán, J. A. (CoI), Grisales Ramírez, N. R. (CoI) & Montes Hincapié, J. M. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 14/07/21
Project: Innovation
Airhis (air health information system): design of a support system for online information and communication management on air quality and its effects on human health. a preventive, educational and investigative platform for the benefit of the inhabitants of the metropolitan area of ??the aburra valley
Montes Hincapié, J. M. (PI), Echeverri Arias, J. A. (CoI), Echeverri Londoño, C. A. (CoI) & Fernández Gutiérrez, J. P. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 30/01/20
Project: Innovation
smart health mirror - portable iot system for monitoring human medical variables
Luna Del Risco, M. A. (PI), Tobón Vallejo, D. P. (PI) & Aguirre Morales, J. A. (PI)
15/07/19 → 14/01/21
Project: Innovation
detection of non-technical losses in the setar company based on advanced and georeferenced analytics.
Sánchez Zuleta, C. C. (PI), Fernández Gutiérrez, J. P. (CoI) & Sepúlveda Murillo, F. H. (CoI)
15/07/19 → 30/01/21
Project: Innovation
BETA-AMILOIDES: Computational study of the mechanism of formation of reactive oxygen species catalyzed by iron complexes with beta-amyloid ligands in alzheimer's disease
Núñez Zarur, F. (PI)
8/07/19 → 8/09/22
Project: Research
assisted identification of electrical conduction patterns in atrial fibrillation conditions
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI)
2/07/19 → 2/07/20
Project: Research
Adsorción contaminantes: Kinetic study of the adsorption of pollutants using adsorbents produced from agroindustrial wastes
Florez Yepes, E. (PI) & Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI)
2/07/19 → 27/04/22
Project: Research
Characterization of the physicochemical properties of phosphorene for the adsorption of low molecular weight gases
Correa Abad, J. D. (PI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Florez Yepes, E. (CoI) & Ulloa Arrieta, M. A. (Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student))
20/06/19 → 20/12/22
Project: Research
Development of magnetic nanostructures of niquel-zinc ferrites for the generation of electrical energy using spin seebeck effect
23/05/19 → 23/05/23
Project: Research
Carburo metálico: platinum supported on transition metal carbide surfaces as a catalyst for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
10/05/19 → 30/05/21
Project: Research
platinum supported on transition metal carbide surfaces as a catalyst for ethylene hydrogenation
Jiménez Orozco, C. A. (PI) & Florez Yepes, E. (CoI)
10/05/19 → 30/05/21
Project: Research
Identification of new molecular targets and design of new drugs for the treatment of infections caused by fungi, using a new strategy based on human "pharmacoloma"
Vélez Ortiz, E. (PI), Caro Lopera, F. J. (CoI) & Moreno Frías, E. (CoI)
31/01/19 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
Understanding the linear function fl and the arithmetic mean, mediated by the calculator: an analysis from the neuromatemática
21/01/19 → 30/01/20
Project: Research
Analysis in the fractional fourier domain of electrograms in atrial fibrillation: in silico study
Tobón Zuluaga, C. (PI) & Gómez-Echavarría, A. (Research Assistant (Master's Student))
15/01/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Study of the Neutrino Oscillation in the context of Standard and Non-Standard Physics
Vanegas Forero, D. (PI), Tapia Casanova, A. M. (CoI) & Tórtola , M. A. (CoI)
15/01/19 → 29/01/21
Project: Research