Projects per year
Organization profile
Organization profile
Products and services:
Develop and implement technologies for organic waste management
Develop and apply standardized and proprietary methodologies for the diagnosis and treatment of wastewater, both drinking and natural
Model and simulate air quality control systems
Analyze and evaluate the noise level in order to comply with the regulations
Designing soundproofing systems
Apply georeferenced information systems to solve territorial problems
Analyze and evaluate clean technologies in order to review water use efficiency and water footprint
Reuse and use of organic waste through composting techniques
To apply tools that allow the incorporation of environmental information to the processes of planning and territorial ordering in their formulation, execution and follow-up stages
Identification of land use and land cover with remote sensing
Delimitation of strategic ecosystems using GIS and remote sensing
Highly detailed 3D surface models
Control erosion and recover degraded soils through bioengineering techniques
Application of nanomaterials for the recovery of water contaminated with heavy metals
Lines of research declared by the group
1.Geomatics Applied to Natural Resources
2.Water quality and treatment alternatives
3.Water Resources -Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology
4.Environmental technologies for soil recovery and conservation
5.Air pollution and air quality
6.Environmental sustainability of the
Minciencias Code = COL0008998
Area of knowledge Engineering and Technology -- Environmental Engineering -- Environmental and Geological Engineering
National science and technology program Science, Technology and Innovation in Environment, Biodiversity and Habitat
National Science and Technology Program (Secondary) Science, Technology and Innovation in Geosciences
- Category Minciencias
Minciencias groups classification
- A1 Group
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Catalina Arroyave Quiceno, PhD.
- Universidad de Medellín, Research Incubator Waste Management, Environmental Microbiology and Bioengineering
- Universidad de Medellín, Environmental Research and Measurements Group - GEMA
- Universidad de Medellín, Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research Group GRINBIO
Person: Researcher
Siembra vida: ¡Siembra vida! Apropiación social del Laboratorio vivo como estrategia de educación para la sostenibilidad y la economía circular con nuestras comunidades.
Ramírez Olier, J. P. (PI), Gallego Zapata, J. L. (PI), Delgado Gomez, D. L. (CoI), López Lizarazo, C. A. (CoI), Acelas Soto, N. Y. (CoI), Forgionny Flórez, M. A. (CoI), Maya Vasco, G. J. (CoI), Corea Agudelo, D. F. (CoI), Tobon, L. (CoI), Zabala, A. (CoI) & Pastas Riascos, M. C. (CoI)
5/09/24 → 5/03/26
Project: Research
Curso CABBIO: Bioprospección, cultivo, mejoramiento genético, escalado, formulación y pruebas de campo. Un camino necesario para la puesta en el mercado de bioinsumos agrícolas.
Botero Botero, L. R. (PI), Gallego Zapata, J. L. (CoI) & Ramírez Olier, J. P. (CoI)
23/05/24 → 23/05/25
Project: Special Projects
Eliminación fotocatalítica: Materiales soportados para su uso en eliminación fotocatalítica de contaminantes
Mejía Correa, M. I. (PI) & Valencia Hurtado, S. H. (PI)
1/02/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Research
Research output
Analysis of fractures generated by faults at micro- and macro-scale and the influence on the secondary permeability: application to the Nevado del Ruiz area (Colombia)
Urrea, D., Moreno, D., Lopez-Sanchez, J. & Blessent, D., Apr 2024, In: Environmental Earth Sciences. 83, 8, 253.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access1 Scopus citations -
An automatic procedure for mapping burned areas globally using Sentinel-2 and VIIRS/MODIS active fires in Google Earth Engine
Bastarrika, A., Rodriguez-Montellano, A., Roteta, E., Hantson, S., Franquesa, M., Torre, L., Gonzalez-Ibarzabal, J., Artano, K., Martinez-Blanco, P., Mesanza, A., Anaya, J. A. & Chuvieco, E., Dec 2024, In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 218, p. 232-245 14 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Bioprospecting of extremophilic perchlorate-reducing bacteria: report of promising Bacillus spp. isolated from sediments of the bay of Cartagena, Colombia
Acevedo-Barrios, R., Tirado-Ballestas, I., Bertel-Sevilla, A., Cervantes-Ceballos, L., Gallego, J. L., Leal, M. A., Tovar, D. & Olivero-Verbel, J., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Biodegradation. 35, 5, p. 601-620 20 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access4 Scopus citations
Antioquia piensa en grande / Gobernación de Antioquia
Botero Botero, L. R. (Recipient), López Sánchez, I. J. (Recipient), Arroyave Quiceno, C. (Recipient), Montoya Jaramillo, L. J. (Recipient), Montoya Ramirez, R. D. (Recipient), Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (Recipient), Soto Builes, N. M. (Recipient), Valencia Londoño, P. A. (Recipient), Morillo Puente, S. (Recipient) & Ruiz Romero, G. A. (Recipient), 2016
Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología de Antioquia - Reconocimiento
Montoya Jaramillo, L. J. (Recipient) & Montoya Ramirez, R. D. (Recipient), 2016
What happened to the idea of the talanqueras to prevent tragedies when Medellín floods?
1 item of Media coverage
Student theses
¿Characterization of the fractured geothermal reservoir northwest of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano¿
Moreno Rendon, D. A. (Author), López Sánchez, I. J. (Supervisor), 31 Dec 2017Student thesis: Undergraduate thesis
Aislamiento de microorganismos eficientes (EM) a base de mohos y levaduras con actividad antagonista frente a Fusarium oxysporum y Colletotrichum gloeosporioides a partir de procesos de fermentación en estado líquido de microorganismos de montaña (MM).
Trujillo Salazar, J. A. (Author), Botero Botero, L. R. (Supervisor), 31 Dec 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis or clinic specialization
Aislamiento y evaluación de la actividad antagónica de levaduras y hongos filamentosos sobre Fusarium sp. como estrategia de promoción de crecimiento en semillas de tomate.
Pineda Montoya, J. E. (Author) & López Restrepo, D. A. (Author), Botero Botero, L. R. (Supervisor), 31 Dec 2018Student thesis: Directed works